Saturday, March 8, 2014

02.10.2014 -- "Princesses who talk about Jesus and they come from America" words of a 9 yr old -- describing the Sister Missionaries to her friends

Hey family!!!  oh man this has been the best week EVER!!!!! for reals!

So monday we went to Durham for pday and got to see where they filmed parts of harry potter- it is so beautiful there!  We went with the south shield sisters and the stanley sisters-:)  party party!  that night we went and taught J. - I don't know if i've told you much about her.  Well her mom is less active and has two kids, L. who is 15 and J. who is 9.  Well L. is baptized and he comes to church by himself everyweek- takes a pretty long bus ride to get there and a lot of the weeks J. is there too.  Well we went to visit the mom and started teaching J. a couple of weeks ago.  She is seriously the cutest thing ever! and she just really wants to be baptized, we asked her why last week and she says that she wants to make Jesus happy and that she feels so happy at church!  She went up to bishop herself this week and asked if she could get baptized! she is such a brave little girl and we have loved going to her house the past month!!!!

We had such a good lesson with her monday and everytime she comes she invites this neighbor girl, well monday when we showed up she had invited 2 other friends too.  Sadly we can't really teach them but we are going to try by their families!!  And her friend was explaining who we were to the other friends she was like 'these are sisters- they are princesses who talk about Jesus and they come from America!'' hahaha we almost died it was SO cute!  so apparently I'm not only a missionary, I'm a princess too ;) hahaha Tuesday we had a powerful lesson with S. at the chapel!  and then we saw a lot of less activies- and had some really good contacting time!  There was a referral we got last transfer- we went by but she is really strong church of england and she asked us not to go by anymore.  Well we decided we needed to stop by and say hello- well it turns out the day we showed up was the 4 year anniversary of when she lost her husband- tender mercy- we had a great chat with her and we are going back this week :)

Wednesday was such a busy day!  S. flogged our lesson, so we went contacting and got let in a house knocking!! yay!!! he is an african uni student and he was like 'ya! God would call a prophet! in fact he calls many- you are a prophet!' and so we had to address that concern- but I got called a prophet and a princess this week ;) hahaha but a guy just got home from his mission to africa so he is coming teaching with us! it is going to be great!

so we were walking back to the library and S. was there waiting for us- he knew that we would come back to the library to see if he was there.

Thursday I had mission leadership council- ya that is a really long meeting but it was really really good!  pretty intense!  But I loved it :)  and then we went to Billingham, they are 2 zones away from us and they are the only sisters in their zone the poor things!  But I got to go on exchange with sister seely so that was a blast!!! and then we got to watch their weekly planning friday (probably the most boring thing i have ever done in my whole life) hahaha  and the long trek back to south shields- I cannot wait until I get to drive!!!!  President layed down the law at council- he told the zone leaders that the sister leader trainers get the car 2 days a week :) that was so happy!!!! YA go president!!

Friday: S. picked a day to be baptized!! We asked him how he has felt the spirit the past couple of weeks, everything changed, he told us that he feels so peaceful and joyful and that he feels so grateful and that he has so many blessings.  He asked him what he was going to do about that faith and he said well I need to continue to change my lifestyle. So we knelt down and he prayed and asked what day he should be baptized- and he said the 28th!!! YAY! I have never seen someone change so much- it has been the most amazing process ever!!!!!!!

Saturday was a great day!! full of contacting in the rain- we met the nicest lady ever!  and she is so excited for us to come back next week!! :)
Then Sunday we had so much fun- we went and knocked a potential- she wasn't home so we contacted until our tea appointment.  At the end as we were leaving her non-member husband told us we should stop by a less active family and he said we will even drive you there! great! so we went- these less actives live next door to the potential we knocked at, we had no idea! We had such a powerful lesson with the less active- she cried cried cried and it was good :) so then we knocked the potential again, she told us to come thursday!!!! we were so happy we did hill clicks down the street all the way home! :)

ahh such a good week! and transfers are next week.  boo.  wish me luck!!!  well I love you! have a great week!!!! hope all is well!

<3 Sister Monroe

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